A.7. 附录:缺省的auth.cfg配置文件

com.apusic.security.ServerLogin {
     * This LoginModule is used to authenticate server principal.
     * You can set following options to customize this module:
     *    useTicketCache   Set this to true, if you want the TGT
     *                     to be obtained from the ticket cache.
     *                     Set this option to false if you do not
     *                     want this module to use the ticket cache.
     *    ticketCache      Set this to the name of the ticket cache
     *                     that contains user's TGT. If this is set,
     *                     useTicketCache must also be set to true.
     *    useKeyTab        Set this to true if you want the module to
     *                     get the principal's key from the keytab.
     *                     If keytab is not set then the module will
     *                     locate the keytab from the Kerberos
     *                     configuration file.
     *    keyTab           Set this to the file name of the keytab to get
     *                     principal's secret key. If this is set,
     *                     useKeyTab must also be set to true.
     *    storeKey         Set this to true if you want the principal's
     *                     key to be stored in the Subject's private
     *                     credentials. This option is madatory, you
     *                     should not set it to false.
    com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required storeKey=true;
// The default login configuration used by server applications
other {
     * A simple server login module, which retrieves principal and
     * credentials from current security context, and store them
     * into Subject's principal set and private credential set.
    com.apusic.security.auth.login.ServerLoginModule required;